Foreign Policy

Tariffs Are Taxes: Trade War Making Thousands of Products More Expensive

Trade barriers such as tariffs have been demonstrated to cause more economic harm than benefit.  They raise prices and reduce availability of goods and services resulting in lower income, reduced employment, and lower economic output.  

Rather than erect barriers to trade that will have negative economic consequences, policymakers should promote free trade and the economic benefits it brings.

TREASON: Trump Calls EU and NATO Enemies While Blowing Kisses to Putin and Kim Jung-Un


Trump has again voiced his admiration for strongmen leaders, saying North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has a “great personality” and that he could “probably get along very well” with Vladimir Putin.

Asked if he liked Kim personally, he said: “I get along with him great, yeah. He’s very smart, great personality, he’s funny and tough, good negotiator.”

Trump Admin Seeks to End Program That Attracts Foreign Entrepreneurs

The thing about Republican's xenophobia is that it's impartial.  What we mean is that they hate literally everyone who isn't exactly like them. 

Click on Smart Dissent's Immigration page and you'll see headlines for dozens of pages of their actions to remove anyone non-white from the country they can.  Muslims, Mexican, refugees previously granted emergency status, Latin American's seeking asylum, new restrictions on legal immigration, lowering of refugee acceptance, and much more.  Here's a new one:

What Happened with North Korea? Trump Weakened 70 Year Alliance with South Korea; Aided China's Rise

The news coming out of the mid-June meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-Un from Republicans, Fox News, and Trump enablers is emblematic of the reason why Trump envies Kim and North Korea.  Lies, misinformation and propaganda about the results of the "summit" like you'd see on state-run television in that country, one where Kim executes family members he dislikes.

Kenyan Clinic Rejects Trump Abortion Policy, Loses $2 Million In U.S. Aid

As you may remember from an earlier post on Smart Dissent, Trump signed an Executive Order back in January 2017 prohibiting international organizations that support or provide education on abortions from receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars. Prohibiting funds from going to these organizations is known as the Mexico City Policy, which isn't supposed to go into full effect until later this year.

White House Eliminates Top Cyber Job That Focused on Election Security

John Bolton is the mentally imbalanced new national security adviser to Trump.  Stupid leading the stupid or blind leading the blind.  We detailed Bolton is great depth HERE.  Bolton is, of course, up to no good.

The Trump administration has eliminated the White House’s top cyber policy role, jettisoning a key position created during the Obama presidency to harmonize the government's overall approach to cybersecurity policy and digital warfare.
