TREASON: Trump Calls EU and NATO Enemies While Blowing Kisses to Putin and Kim Jung-Un


Trump has again voiced his admiration for strongmen leaders, saying North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has a “great personality” and that he could “probably get along very well” with Vladimir Putin.

Asked if he liked Kim personally, he said: “I get along with him great, yeah. He’s very smart, great personality, he’s funny and tough, good negotiator.”

Trump’s reply when [told] Kim is a “ruthless dictator” was.... “Sure he is, he’s ruthless, but so are others......

Trump deployed the same reasoning when speaking about Putin, saying he assumes his Russian counterpart is ruthless but that other people are, too.


Trump on Sunday spent the eve of his first summit meeting with Putin finding fault with allies, Barack Obama and the news media while refraining from condemning Moscow for its meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting is taking place just days after 12 Russian intelligence agents were indicted by the Justice Department on charges that they sought to thwart American democracy during the election campaign.

He indicated that he did not plan to use his time with the Russian president to press him on the election interference.


US senators and 18 Democratic members of the House committee on foreign affairs have called on Trump to abort the meeting with Putin. “Unfortunately,” the House group wrote, “due to your constant expressions of sympathy for Vladimir Putin, your conflicts of interest, and your attacks on our closest allies, we do not have confidence that you can faithfully negotiate with the Russian leader, and we urge you to cancel the meeting.”

"Trump’s continued refusal to condemn the Russians’ attacks on our democracy, even after special counsel Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for interfering in the 2016 election, makes it clear that meeting with Putin would be both pointless and dangerous."


Asked during the CBS interview whom he considered to be his biggest foe globally, Mr. Trump named the European Union, citing “what they do to us on trade.” He added: “Now you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe.....

In response, Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, wrote in a sharp riposte on Twitter: “America and the E.U. are best friends. Whoever says we are foes is spreading fake news.”


For 70 years, from the darkest days of the Cold War, through the Cuban missile crisis... at times minutes from a catastrophic nuclear exchange, as the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union disintegrated, NATO has guaranteed the supremacy of the West and the safety of democracy.  Now, never more vividly apparent than in his behavior Wednesday,Trump seems perfectly inclined to dismantle it, if that serves his purpose.

America needs NATO -- a strong, united and functioning NATO, with a single purpose and speaking with a single, loud, powerful voice — more than ever during its seven decades of existence.


In an interview with The Sun, Trump criticized Europe's immigrant policies and said it's a "shame" a wave of migrants have entered the continent in recent years.  Trump doubled down on his remarks about immigration damaging Europe's cultural fabric during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday.  Immigration is "changing the culture, I think it's a very negative thing for Europe," Trump said.

....when he said, 'You're changing the culture through immigration.' That's code word for white supremacists. That's code word for keeping people of color and other diverse backgrounds out."


Trump said Germany is, quote, "totally controlled by Russia because it gets," in his words, "60 to 70 percent of their energy from Russia."  

This is just....a ludicrous statement.... just 9 percent of the country’s power is generated by Russian gas.


Trump announced yet again at a Q&A session with reporters that he is “a very stable genius.” Trump was answering a question from a Croatian journalist who asked whether Trump would contradict his NATO statements once he boarded Air Force One. Trump responded, “Other people do that, I don’t. I’m very consistent,” before calling himself “a very stable genius.”









Monday, July 16, 2018