Foreign Policy

U.S. Halts Cooperation with United Nations on OUR Potential Human Rights Violations

In a move straight out of a tin-pot dictatorship, the Trump Administration has stopped responding to United Nations inquiries into human rights conditions.

The Trump admin has stopped cooperating with U.N. investigators over potential human rights violations occurring inside America, in a move that delivers a major blow to vulnerable U.S. communities....

Hey Trump, U.S. Trade Deficit At 10-Year High, Certain to Increase in 2019

Per the Murdoch-owned, conservative Wall Street Journal, Trump is an idiot.

The U.S. trade deficit looks almost certain to expand in the year ahead, and that will have important consequences for the economy.

Trump has pledged to narrow the trade deficit, but in 2018 it has widened instead, coming to $503 billion in the year through October versus $451 billion over the same period in 2017.

$800 Million in Taxpayer Money Paid to ICE Private Prisons Who Donate to Republicans While Immigrants Work for Pennies

Expanding the number of immigrants rounded up into jails isn’t just policy; it’s big business. GEO Group expects its earnings to grow to $2.3 billion this year. Like other private prison companies, it made large donations to Trump’s campaign & inaugural.

These are dangerous times for undocumented immigrants. ICE has been super-charged by the Trump administration. And ICE’s empowerment has been lucrative for the companies that both cage and employ immigrants...

EVIL: ICE Arrested 170 Immigrants Seeking to Sponsor Migrant Children


Federal authorities have arrested 170 immigrants who came forward seeking to sponsor migrant children in government custody.... They were the result of background checks conducted on potential sponsors of unaccompanied migrant children placed under the care of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Special Report From Dilley, Texas Detention Center: Women & Children Face Unthinkable Abuse

The following is an important Special Report from Christina Padien.  It is published with her permission in conjunction with the Immigration Justice Campaign.  Thank you to Christina and IJC for their tremendous efforts and sharing this crucial information with all of us.


The Kennel: What Happens Before the Detention Facility

U.S. Army Discharged Over 500 Immigrants Recruited Across the Globe for Language or Medical Skills

It's never been about "illegal" immigration.  It's about no immigration for Trump-led Republicans by any means necessary.  In this post, we see how they do not care if it harms our military, no immigrants allowed.  

Over the course of 12 months, the U.S. Army discharged more than 500 immigrant enlistees who were recruited across the globe for their language or medical skills and promised a fast track to citizenship in exchange for their service.  The Army began booting out enlistees last year without explanation.
