
GOP Wants a Second Tax Heist For Extremely Weathy; Adds $3,800,000,000 to Deficit

Republicans screamed at the top of their lungs for eight years under President Obama about budget deficits and our national debt.  They blamed him for bank bailouts initiated before his term.  They shot down vital stimulus plans to bring our economy out of a total collapse and, you know, make America great again.

As we wrote about in June 2018, the Republican tax heist is causing massive budget deficits

Trump Eliminates Pay Raises for Federal Employees Despite Cutting Taxes for Wealthy & Claiming Economy is Great

Trump said he's eliminating a pay raise for civilian federal employees slated for 2019 in order to "put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course."   He and Republicans fell all over themselves to give trillions of dollars of tax cuts to the wealthy and to big businesses, and they want to give them even more. But when it comes to working people, retirees, and the disabled, suddenly deficits matter again.

White House Cuts Entire Staff at Financial Markets Watchdog

Republican destruction of our government continues, this time a group charged with keeping an eye out for future financial disasters. Funny how the run up to financial collapse always seems to occur as Republican "leadership" destroys the regulations surrounding it.

The Trump administration moved on Wednesday [August 8, 2018] to shrink a government agency tasked with identifying looming financial risks, notifying around 40 staff members they would be laid off....

White House Admits Annual Budget Deficit Is Skyrocketing

The White House’s own budget projections see federal deficits surpassing $1 trillion in 2019 alone and beyond.

....the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimated that new legislation enacted since the release of its February budget — alongside new projections on other spending and receipts — would add $101 billion more to the 2019 deficit, pushing it above $1 trillion.

Stephen Miller Has a New Friend in State Department and They Want to Cut Refugee Admissions to Almost Zero

Stephen Miller, an terrible person with unthinkable powers has ordered Trump to clamp down on refugee admittances and Trump has gladly obeyed.  President Barack Obama previously set the ceiling on refugees admitted into the country at 110,000 while many had pushed for more.  Howver in 2017, Trump slashed the limit to 45,000. Now these is discussion to push it as low as 5,000... effectively no refugees saved for humanitarian crises. America is an embarrassment.

Tariffs Are Taxes: Trade War Making Thousands of Products More Expensive

Trade barriers such as tariffs have been demonstrated to cause more economic harm than benefit.  They raise prices and reduce availability of goods and services resulting in lower income, reduced employment, and lower economic output.  

Rather than erect barriers to trade that will have negative economic consequences, policymakers should promote free trade and the economic benefits it brings.

Trump's Admin Unveils Plans to Slash the Social Safety Net

While Trump's administration was imprisoning children, giving concessions to North Korea, and relishing a Muslim Ban, his White House laid out plans to crush social programs.

Trump, spurred on by conservatives who want him to slash safety net programs, unveiled on Thursday [June 21, 2018] a plan to overhaul the federal government that could have a profound effect on millions of poor and working-class Americans.

Trump Admin Seeks to End Program That Attracts Foreign Entrepreneurs

The thing about Republican's xenophobia is that it's impartial.  What we mean is that they hate literally everyone who isn't exactly like them. 

Click on Smart Dissent's Immigration page and you'll see headlines for dozens of pages of their actions to remove anyone non-white from the country they can.  Muslims, Mexican, refugees previously granted emergency status, Latin American's seeking asylum, new restrictions on legal immigration, lowering of refugee acceptance, and much more.  Here's a new one:
