
Trump's Executive Orders Eliminate Protections for Federal Employees

Candidate Trump had a populist tone to every campaign rally, banging the drum for jobs.  Although all candidates and politicians say many empty statements, Trump's delivery worked.  The focus on jobs caused millions to vote for him, thinking he was actually going to implement policies to help them.  They did not realize that he had no intent to do so.  They bought the lie and we all pay the price.

Ben Carson Removing Words “free from discrimination” from HUD Mission Statement

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development exists to help ensure equal access to housing following generations of government-endorsed racial segregation.  Ben Carson is leading HUD in a direction completely counter to its mission.

The Trump administration is attempting to scale back federal efforts to enforce fair housing laws, freezing enforcement actions against local governments and businesses....while sidelining officials who have aggressively pursued civil rights cases.

Republicans Lead Financial Regulation Rollback; Set Stage for Next Banking Disaster

Federal banking regulators are proposing to water down financial regulations passed to prevent another 2008 financial crisis, known at the Dodd-Frank Act.  Their efforts aim to weaken the "Volcker Rule" established under the Dodd Frank Act to protect consumers and investors.

Wall Street hates the Vocker Rule.  They want it gone so they can be free to do as they wish with limited oversight.  It's that simple.

Mick Mulvaney Continues to Destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Congressional Republicans have fought unrelentingly for years to weaken the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, put into place under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.  The purpose of the CFPB is to promote fairness and transparency for mortgages, credit cards, and other consumer financial products and services. The CFPB was created to provide a single point of accountability for enforcing federal consumer financial laws and protecting consumers in the financial marketplace.

Federal Employees Face Cuts To Retirement Benefits And Pay Freezes

Screw citizens who work for our government, who work on our behalf to better our country and society.  That's what Trump and Republican say.

....the Trump administration is considering changes that might make federal work less rewarding, including a $143.5 billion cut in federal retirement benefits that would affect current and future retirees.

....the administration wants to freeze salaries next year, and is considering a broader overhaul of civil service laws, all of which has public-employee groups nervous.

Senate Democrats Push For Vote to Restore Net Neutrality This Week

Ajit Pai, the FCC Chairman who is owned by the telecom and cable industry, is pushing closer to grant their wishes.  Named by Trump in January 2017, Pai has been working every day since then to repeal rules that classify internet service as a utility. Under the Pai plan, high-speed internet service will no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules, as it is now. Instead, he said, the industry "should largely be left to police itself.”   

Democrats in the Senate are fighting back and have a shot to win.
