
BE SMART ABOUT: Brian Montgomery, Nominated to Lead Federal Housing Administration Again

It can be a struggle in daily conversations to explain the impacts this election has every day on the decisions being made to govern our society.  Trump's handlers are putting individuals in positions of real, tangible power who are spending every hour of every day implementing policies in an efficient, destructive manner.  They are doing the exact things their prior words, actions, and lobbyist bosses should have made obvious.

Jerry Powell Will Soon Be The Federal Reserve Chair. Who Is He?

Last week, Trump named Jerome Powell to be the next chair of the Federal Reserve.

If confirmed by the Senate, Powell, 64, will succeed Janet Yellen — the first woman to head the Fed — whose term expires in February. Powell, a current member of the Fed's board of governors, is expected to pursue policies largely in line with the gradual interest rate hikes of the Yellen-led Fed.

GOP Wanted You To Pay More Taxes on Your Retirement Savings, But Then The Resistance Spoke Up

Last week, Republicans proposed to cap the amount that Americans can contribute before taxes to 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts.  The details of this proposal came to light publicly and was reported by nearly all media sources.  It was intended to increase the tax burden on middle class Americans to offset the cost of tax cuts to the wealthiest. Fortunately The Resistance heard this, spoke up, and exhibited Smart Dissent.  Thus, this specific proposal did not make it into the House GOP tax plan.  Numerous other things did which we will cover in a new post next week.

Republicans in Senate Side with Wall Street; Eliminate Rule that Protected Main Street

Government at its purest exists solely to protect The People it serves.  We elect officials to work on OUR behalf.  It's been apparent for decades, but likely never more so, that the Republican Party works on behalf of corporate interests, their lobbyists and donors with zero regard for The People.  They repeatedly take actions that harm nearly every living, breathing human being in our country yet millions of ignorant people continue support and enable them.

GOP Senate Passes Budget Guideline Clearing Path for Tax Cuts for Wealthy

Senate Republicans passed a $4 trillion budget blueprint late Thursday by a narrow 51-49 vote, with Kentucky's Senator Rand Paul joining Democrats in opposing the measure considered a key step in forward on President Trump's promises of a tax overhaul.  The White House praised the bill, saying it "creates a pathway to unleash the potential of the American economy through tax reform and tax cuts." 

Efforts To Rewrite NAFTA Not Going Well; Next Round of Talks Delayed

Trump campaigned on ending NAFTA.  It was an understatement when Smart Dissent reported back in May that NAFTA's Days Appear Numbered.  

Renegotiating international trade agreements (and governing in general) is much harder than being full of hot air on the campaign trail.  So while Trump may not have outright withdrawn from NAFTA, he is aiming to kill it another way.

Senators Seek Deal To Fund Healthcare Subsidies That Trump Eliminated

Trump and Republicans are destroying the Affordable Care Act despite the inability to repeal or replace it.  Trump's sabotage hit a disgusting new low last week ending the funding of subsidies paid to insurance companies to make coverage affordable for millions.  They're known as "cost-sharing reduction" payments.   This action will destroy the Affordable Care Act insurance markets and eliminate healthcare for millions and that's exactly why Trump team suggested it.

Budget Cuts Series: Inspector General for Banks - Remember Too Big To Fail?

In 2008-2009, the United States went through its longest, and by most measures worst economic recession since the Great Depression.  The impacts were felt for years beyond that as 8.7 million jobs were lost ruining the lives of tens of millions more.  The culprit was wreckless activity by traditional and investment banks.  It seems like forever ago but you may recall a huge movement called Occupy Wall Street which sought to hold these financial institutions responsible for destroying our nation.  Meanwhile, as the government bailed out the banks with billions of taxpayer dollars during the
