
Trump's 2021 Budget Seeks to Destroy the Environmental Protection Agency

There's zero surprise in reading the title of this post.  It's right on brand for Trump and Republicans to seek to destroy the Environmental Protection Agency.  The fiscal year 2021 budget proposed in February 2020 is no different.

Trump's proposed budget for fiscal 2021 calls for significant reductions to environmental programs at federal agencies, including a 26 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Trump’s budget would eliminate 50 EPA programs and impose massive cuts to research and development.... 

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Deep Cuts to Education Spending For CHILDREN

The 2021 version of the Budget Cuts Series continues with another post that is utterly unbelievable.  Cutting education funding for children should make these people unelectable.  It seems no one is aware of it though and it'll stay that way with this sort of egregious action never showing up on televised news media.  That's why it's here on Smart Dissent.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Billions From Student Loan Programs

The Budget Cuts Series for the fiscal year 2021 continues this week.  These cuts reflect what Trump and his Republican administration want to do to our country.  Most of it will not be implemented because Democrats will block it.  But the point is it shows us exactly what Republicans would want to do if they were given unchecked power.  These cuts are so completely absurd that it’s no wonder Senate Budget Committee Republicans don’t want to hold a hearing on his budget.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Elimination of After-School Funding

The Budget Cuts Series for the fiscal year 2021 continues this week.  These cuts reflect what Trump and his Republican administration want to do to our country.  Most of it will not be implemented because Democrats will block it.  These cuts are so completely absurd that it’s no wonder Senate Budget Committee Republicans don’t want to hold a hearing on his budget.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Trump Cuts CDC and Global Health Funding

The Budget Cuts Series for the fiscal year 2021 continues this week.  These cuts reflect what Trump and his Republican administration want to do to our country.  Most of it will not be implemented because Democrats will block it.  But the point is it shows us exactly what Republicans would want to do if they were given unchecked power.  These cuts are so completely absurd that it’s no wonder Senate Budget Committee Republicans don’t want to hold a hearing on his budget.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Federal Employee Retirement Benefits

Smart Dissent's budget cuts series continues for the 2021 fiscal year budget as Trump seeks to inflict harm to everyone who doesn't bribe him.  Here's part four in an unending series in which individuals who give their lives in service of our country are treated like trash.

Trump has again proposed reducing the value of federal retirement benefits while requiring most federal employees to pay more toward those benefits.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Elimination of PBS, National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities

Our Budget Cuts Series enters the 2021 fiscal year with a third post in an unending series.  There's so much to cover from the heinous budget that Trump's cronies unveiled in mid-February 2020.  

For the fourth year in a row, the Trump administration proposed budget cuts that would kill the federal cultural agencies that support arts, humanities and public television stations across the country.

Trump’s 2021 budget calls for $30 million to close out the National Endowment for the Arts and $33.4 million to shutter the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Budget Cuts Series 2021: Trump Cuts Medicare, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance

Our Budget Cuts Series is unfortunately back for a fourth year and there's too much to cover from the disgusting fiscal year 2021 budget that Trump's cronies unveiled in mid-February 2020.  This is part two in an series with an unknown amount of parts.

In this post, Trump wants to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and  children's health insurance  - all while keeping tax breaks for the rich.

The White House on Monday proposed a $4.8 trillion election-year budget that would slash major domestic and safety net programs....

Medicaid Block Grants Are Medicaid Cuts That Will Kill People

The Trump administration took another step to rip health care away from millions, announcing a new Medicaid proposal that lets states set funding caps which could lead to drastically lower funding for the program that provides health care for millions of low-income Americans.

Defending Medicaid from Trump can unify Democrats. It can bridge the gap between the young, non-white and/or urban voters in the base and the suburban whites Democrats hope to keep in their anti-Trump coalition through 2020.
