
Budget Cuts Series: The Department of Labor

This is the latest in the Budget Cuts Series which is an examination of White House proposed budget cuts to learn what's hidden beneath the surface.  We will later update based on Congressional budget proposals and actions.  This post examines the proposed 21% cut to the Labor Department, the key agency that protects U.S. workers from being killed on the job, protects their pay and benefits, helps them get retrained after job loss and provides unemployment benefits.  

Budget Cuts Series: Arts Groups

This is another post in our Budget Cuts Series which is an examination of White House proposed budget cuts to learn what's hidden beneath the surface.  We will later update based on Congressional budget proposals and actions.  

The budget plan... calls for the elimination of four independent cultural agencies — the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting...

Budget Cuts Series: What's at Stake for EPA and Our Nation?

In SmartDissent's Budget Cuts Series, we are detailing many of the White House proposed budget cuts.  A prime eample of the importance of this series in the proposed impacts to the Environmental Protection Agency.  We seek to learn and share what's hidden beneath the surface.  While climate change denial and associated concerns have dominated the discussion of the massive funding cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency, far more is at stake in a variety of ways.

Budget Cuts Series: The IRS.... Trump's Treasury Secretary Disagrees

The Budget Cuts Series marches towards to examine the White House proposed budget cuts and learn what's hidden beneath the surface.  We will later update based on Congressional budget proposals and actions.  

The Interal Revenue Sservice is proposed to suger a $239 million reduced budget, the latest in a series of cuts since 2010 first imposed by the Republican Congress.  The IRS is an unsurprising target of Trump who previously complained was treating him unfairly.

Budget Cuts Series: The National Institutes of Health

In this continuing series, we are examining the White House proposed budget cuts to learn what's hidden beneath the surface and later update based on Congressional budget proposals and actions.  

The National Institutes of Health funds thousands of researchers working on cancer and other diseases.  It has always received bi-partisan support and yet this White House proposed an 18% cut totaling $5.8 billion.  

Budget Cuts Series: The Chemical Safety Board

In this series, which will unfortunately have dozens of posts, we will examine the White House proposed budget cuts to learn what's hidden beneath the surface and later update based on Congressional budget proposals and actions.

Have you ever heard of the Chemical Safety Board (CSB)?  Chances are you haven't unless you work in certain industries.  How important can it be then?  Extremely, as it turns out.  It's among many similar government agencies proposed to be eliminated or have funding reduced to end their effectiveness.  So why does the CSB matter?

Budget Cuts Series: $6 BILLION Cut from Housing Programs

In an effort to cut domestic spending by more than $50 billion, Trump's budget proposal would slash the budget of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The plan would squeeze public housing support and end most federally funded community development grants, which provide services such as meal assistance and cleaning up abandoned properties in low-income neighborhoods.

Budget Cuts Series: National Endowment for the Arts Likely Dead at 52 Years Old

The White House is planning to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts in its proposed budget in May.  Trump's Director of Budget Policy and Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, Paul Winfree, is an economist from the conservative Heritage Foundation, which put out a budget blueprint last year that included axing the NEA.
