Women's Rights

CHIP Provided Health Insurance For 9 Million Children - It Expired Oct 1

Trump and Republicans are destroying our already fragile, expensive healthcare system, making coverage even more unaffordable or unavailable for millions of Americans.  Despite the inability to repeal or replace it the Affordable Care Act, Trump and his team continue to sabotage it to disgusting ends.  They consider their actions to be praiseworthy despite causing an inability to afford coverage for sick children and adults.  

But the children???  Congress failed to renew the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which expired September 30, 2017.

Trump's War on Women: Obamacare Birth Control Mandate Significantly Weakened

The Trump Administration is at it again, putting the religious and moral objections of large companies and institutions over the fundamental right of women to have access to birth control. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, formerly led by Tom Price before his resignation on September 29 due to a private plane scandal, revised the earlier policy of the Department concerning which employers must provide contraceptive coverage to employees.

Senators Seek Deal To Fund Healthcare Subsidies That Trump Eliminated

Trump and Republicans are destroying the Affordable Care Act despite the inability to repeal or replace it.  Trump's sabotage hit a disgusting new low last week ending the funding of subsidies paid to insurance companies to make coverage affordable for millions.  They're known as "cost-sharing reduction" payments.   This action will destroy the Affordable Care Act insurance markets and eliminate healthcare for millions and that's exactly why Trump team suggested it.

Republicans Seek to Restrict Elderly from Suing Nursing Homes Over Abuse or Neglect

Government is intended to represent the People and work on their behalf.  However, many elected and appointed government officials WE employ to operate our nation work everyday to protect the rights of corporations instead of us.

It is difficult to fathom a more clear and appalling example of this than the matter described below to restrict elderly nursing homes residents and their families from suing the facilities in court over alleged abuse, neglect or sexual assault.

White House Council for Women and Girls Disbanded

The White House is up to no good again, ending the Council on Women and Girls which was active under Presidents Clinton and Obama. 

Trump appears to be quietly disbanding an office President Obama created that focuses on gender equality.  Obama created the White House Council on Women and Girls... to monitor the impact of policy changes with women’s groups and maintain open lines of communication.

The council has not been functioning while the Trump administration evaluates whether to keep it....
