
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water Leave Military Families Reeling

The water at or around at least 126 military installations contains potentially harmful levels of chemicals, which have been linked to cancers and developmental delays for fetuses and infants.  These included 36 sites with drinking water contamination on-base, and more than 90 sites that reported either on-base or off-base drinking water or groundwater contamination.

Trump Again Seeks Deep Cuts in Renewable Energy Funding

Congressional Republicans make up bullsh-t that we will “innovate” our way out of our climate crisis.   So will they do that by supporting Trump’s 70% cut to renewable energy research?

Trump administration is again seeking severe cuts to the U.S. Energy Department division charged with renewable energy and energy efficiency research.... the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy would see its $2.3 billion budget slashed by about 70 percent, to $700 million, under Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget request.

UPDATE: Wheeler Confirmed > In Slap To The Face Of Mother Earth, Trump To Nominate Andrew Wheeler As EPA Chief

On November 27, 2018, Smart Dissent posted the following on Andrew Wheeler.  Last week on February 28, 2019, Wheeler was confirmed to succeed Scott Pruitt.  He is just an evil but much more equipped to destroy our Earth without being noticed. We are in very serious trouble.

The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider.  

WHAT? Climate Change Denier Set to Lead Trump Advisory Panel to Study Climate Change Impacts

While the national conversation about climate change action likely has never been stronger, Republicans and Trump are as ignorant and evil as ever.  

The White House is working to assemble a panel to assess whether climate change poses a national security threat.... a conclusion that federal intelligence agencies have affirmed several times since Trump took office.

Trump's EPA Encourages Pollution By Nearly Eliminating Penalties for Polluters

Pollution is bad.  When companies pollute, they face monetary penalties for doing so.  If not for the penalties, they would have no reason to follow the rules.  Simple concept.

But Trump's Environmental PROTECTION Agency has cut penalties drastically meaning these firms face zero consequences for ruining the one world we have.

Trump's EPA Refuses to Limit Two Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water, Particularly Near Military Bases

Scott Pruitt is gone and now so is Ryan Zinke.  That just means their headline news of corruption has ended but the destruction of our environment pushes ahead with full force, stronger than ever.  We all must be aware of what the relatively scandal-free Andrew Wheeler is doing to elminate as many environmental protections as possible while running the Environmental PROTECTION Agency. 

E.P.A. Quietly Shut Down Its Office of CHILDREN'S Health

It's the quiet things Trump and Republican "leadership" are doing without headlines, while no one is watching, that can be the most evil.  That's what we try to post about here in addition to the major news.  Here's one that I doubt any one of you reading this head about back in September 2018.

The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday [9/26/18] placed the head of its Office of Children’s Health Protection on administrative leave, an unusual move that appeared to reflect an effort to minimize the role of the office.

Even Before Shutdown, Environmental Protection Agency Being Gutted By The Hundreds

As documented through Smart Dissent's Environment section, OUR EPA is being gutted.  At first, the endless corruption of Scott Pruitt made headlines, potentially slowing down the destruction or at least giving it some attention.  However, now the EPA is almost entirely out of the headlines while Andrew Wheeler guts environmental protections that save lives and our planet.  

The gutting of the EPA is not just the regulations themselves; it's the people who are pushed out which will set us back in ways we cannot imagine.
