
Trump Swamp: Interior Dept Keeping Acting Directors in Office Without Senate Confirmation

Trump swamp creature David Bernhardt is at it again, destroying our Department of Interior that he leads despite hating its existence.  You likely don't know his name and that's because he's very good at destroying the United States quietly without the prior scandals of swamp creatures like Ryan Zinke and Scott Pruitt.  The United States rapid decline into a totalitarian nation under Trump continues.

Republican EPA Says Perchlorate Is Extremely Harmful But Refuses to Protect Us From It Because Donors Told Them So

EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency.  That middle world "Protection" is an interesting choice.  Presumably it was intended to protect we the people, the greater good for society, and so on.  It's been clear for decades, but never more so than right now, that Republican's think it's protection of corporations and their profits.  And Americans die as a result.

Departments of Interior and Energy Face Deep Cuts in Trump's 2021 Budget

The White House is proposing deep budget cuts for the Interior and Energy departments, according to the fiscal 2021 budget request.

The White House budget request would reduce spending at the Energy Department by 8 percent and cut 16 percent from the Department of the Interior's budget.

The proposed spending reductions mark the latest effort by the administration to chip away at government agencies focused on science, the environment and public lands.

Trump's 2021 Budget Seeks to Destroy the Environmental Protection Agency

There's zero surprise in reading the title of this post.  It's right on brand for Trump and Republicans to seek to destroy the Environmental Protection Agency.  The fiscal year 2021 budget proposed in February 2020 is no different.

Trump's proposed budget for fiscal 2021 calls for significant reductions to environmental programs at federal agencies, including a 26 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Trump’s budget would eliminate 50 EPA programs and impose massive cuts to research and development.... 

EPA Employees Want 'Bill of Rights' to Protect Scientific Integrity

Hmmm.... who are you going to trust? Some scientists who care about facts and the health and safety of Americans or oligarchs who only care about money and don't remotely care whether there's a habitable planet for our grandchildren?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unionized employees have drafted a bill of rights, asking the agency to recognize the need for scientific integrity, research into climate science and the ability to enforce environmental laws without political interference.  

The Great Dismantling of America's National Parks is Underway

Systematic destruction of all aspects of our nation for the profits of very few.   There are many many many, many, competitors for the worst of what this administration is doing and this has to be high on the list.  We can NOT afford four more years of Republican environmental policies.

Under this administration, nothing is sacred as we watch the nation’s crown jewels being recut for the rings of robber barons.
