NOT A DRILL: Republican Congress Admits They Are Coming For Your Social Security and Healthcare. VOTE THEM OUT.

The GOP agenda, in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Cut taxes on corporations and the rich, increasing deficits

Step 2: Induce panic about high deficits, cut health care spending for the poor and elderly in response

Step 3: Repeat

Tax cuts reduced corporate tax revenue by almost a third even though corporate profits are through the ceiling. If Republicans win, they will push a “grand bargain” - no corporation pays a penny more but Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security will be on the chopping block. 


Republicans have removed all doubt: When it comes to the federal deficit, the problem is Medicare and Social Security — not their own tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

Fresh off the news that the deficit is increasing under Trump, Mitch McConnell told Bloomberg News that Congress should target Social Security and Medicare for cuts to address the growing federal debt.

The federal deficit grew by nearly $800 billion over the first fiscal year of Trump’s presidency, during which the Republican Congress passed a tax cut targeted mostly to corporations and the wealthy, which is projected to add more than $1 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years.

The White House and GOP leaders promised that despite all projections to the contrary, the tax cuts would pay for themselves

Mitch McConnell says Senate Republicans will repeal health care if they win enough seats. Believe him.  If McConnell says they are going to come after your health care then that’s exactly what they are going to do.

Republicans could try again to repeal Obamacare if they win enough seats in U.S. elections next month, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday, calling a failed 2017 push to repeal the healthcare law a “disappointment.”

But, of course, a growing federal deficit hasn’t caused Republican leaders to reconsider their tax policy. Instead, they argue that entitlement reform — Republican-speak for cuts to popular social safety net programs — is what’s really needed to address the federal deficit.

McConnell blamed social programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, for the fast-rising national debt

We couldn’t have framed the election better than McConnell did this week. He says if GOP wins they will: 1) try again to repeal ACA and replace it with nothing' 2) cut Social Security and Medicare to pay for their corporate tax cut; 3) provide no check and balance on Trump.  WE MUST VOTE THEM OUT.

“If Republicans retain the Senate they will do everything they can to take away families’ health care and raise their costs,” Schumer said in a statement. “Americans should take Senator McConnell at his word.”

They're saying it right to us and they aren't kidding. They are coming after all of it - pre-existing conditions, essential health benefits, mental health, privatizing the VA, Medicare, Medicaid.   We have to vote them out.

Republicans were actually signaling during the tax debate, before the bill ever passed, that this was their strategy: pass a deficit-exploding tax cut and then argue that the real problem is federal spending on health and retirement benefits.

Do people think this is some partisan talking point cooked up by pollsters?  They really are coming after your healthcare...AGAIN.

But the GOP’s priorities on the deficit are clear: Corporate taxes were too high, and now that they’ve been cut, government benefits are too generous, so they must be cut too. The trade is explicit.

Governing is about priorities. Democrats have run on expanding Social Security benefits and extending Medicare coverage to every American. They’re proposing higher taxes on the wealthy and on corporations to pay for those plans. Republicans are going hard in the other direction: lower taxes for businesses, fewer benefits for vulnerable Americans.



Monday, October 22, 2018