Environmental Protection Agency Tells Staff How to Dispute Climate Change

As we repeatedly state, Scott Pruitt is in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency yet he would love nothing more than to erase it from existence.  He's living out his wildest fantasy with this sadistic opportunity to destroy it from the inside while exhibiting corruption at a level not previously imaginable.  In Pruitt's mind, nothing, even the future our the one planet we have, should stand in the way of corporations doing whatever they want to maximize profits.  This is as simple as we can explain it.

In late March, Pruitt's EPA sent a memo to staff with talking points on exactly how to downplay climate change.  

The list of eight "approved talking points" sent by the EPA's Office of Public Affairs encourages staffers to highlight a lack of evidence that ties humans to climate change.

Under Administrator Scott Pruitt, the EPA has questioned the exact impact humans have made on climate change.

While Pruitt has maintained that he believes in climate change, he has been reluctant to tie effects to humans as the agency works to roll back a number of environmental regulations that green groups argue will speed up global warming.

After he was confirmed, Pruitt worked quickly to approve a slew of EPA website changes that removed references to climate change and climate programs. 

To all of us who have been paying attention, to those who have a brain in their head, this is incredibly angering yet not surprising.  It's flat wrong.  The talking points listed at the link below are LIES.  They are meant to deceive.  And somehow, it's not even in the headlines.

In November, a federal report from 13 agencies found that humans are the No. 1 cause of climate change — causing sea level rise, hotter temperatures and agriculture issues. 

Scott Pruitt is the perfect example of why we MUST RESIST and vote in November 2018 and every subsequent election.


Source: http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/380692-internal-epa-memo-tells-staffers-how-to-downplay-climate-change 

Monday, April 9, 2018