DREAMers in Arizona No Longer Eligible for In-State Tuition

The consequences of Trump's repeal of DACA are real, unjust, and devastating.  Congressional Republicans lack of action on the topic ought to push each of their spineless bodies out of office.

Arizona students protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will no longer be eligible for in-state college tuition, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.

.....DACA recipients, often called DREAMers, who have been granted "lawful status" but not "legal status" do not qualify to pay resident rates.

Monday's decision will affect more than 2,000 students enrolled in Arizona's community colleges and three public universities.

The fee changes will take effect immediately and in some cases more than triple the annual cost of attendance.... community college students who currently pay $2,580 a year will now pay $8,900.  Four-year universities will charge.... 150 percent of in-state tuition....

Arizona DACA students are also ineligible for federal or state financial aid.

Let's take a step back and make sure everyone understands what DACA is and why it exists.

The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) was proposed legislation that failed in December 2010 due a Republican-controlled Senate.  In response, President Obama issued DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) as an Executive Order in June 2012.  Both DREAM and DACA were designed to allow people who came to the U.S. as children and illegally residing here to get their work authorizations, Social Security number, and driver’s license. Only the DREAM Act as previously written would enable a green card to be obtained. 

DACA, as a temporary step, provides a 2-year deferment from deportation actions and provides eligibility for a work permit.

"This is exactly why we need a permanent solution," Karina Ruiz, president of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition, told NPR.  "Congress needs to pass the Dream Act and give us a permanent pathway to citizenship, otherwise DACA recipients will continue to be under attack," she said.

The HUMAN BEINGS contributing to our nation under the program are at risk of deportation and now are being forced to pay significant increases to receive an education, making their future and our societies' future worse.  This is simply awful.






Tuesday, April 17, 2018